Our values
Here are some things we value at this faith community:
  1. Relationships. Acts 2:42-47Philippians 2:1-4
  2. Serving. Like Mister Rogers said, “Life is for service!” Galatians 5:13-14, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Inclusion. We see Jesus as more of an Usher and less of a Bouncer! He modeled inclusion not exclusion, and we want to do the same. Everyone is welcome here! Young or old, rich or poor, queer or straight, believer or doubter. Every skin color, ethnicity and gender….we’ve all got a place here. Our goal is to transcend polarization by practicing unity! Unity always starts by saying… “I’m glad you are here!” Ephesians 4:1-16, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Revelation 7:9-10
  4. Generosity. We deeply appreciate the intentional giving of people who attend our faith community. There are many ways you can practice generosity here. Some give towards the church, which is great because ministry requires money. Their giving pays the bills. Our faith community also supports various people and organizations that are doing good in the world. You can check this out on our website. And of course, many people are generous with their time. Giving their time and energy to serve in various capacities! 2 Corinthians 9:8-15, Galatians 5:22, Proverbs 31:9, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
  5. Simplicity.  Our aim is not to put on a show for people so they can get their “spiritual bliss” on. If you want flash, you won't find it here! Our gatherings center on the simplicity of loving God and loving each other!
  6. Mystery.  Actor Sean Penn once said, “the mystery is the truth”. We agree with that statement! We value mystery. We seek answers when we can find them, but we celebrate asking questions and wrestling with doubt. The journey is about faith not certainty! God is too vast to be contained or completely understood! Job 11:7-9, Romans 11:33-36
  7. Humility. As we live and learn and love, we are filtering all those things through our own limited perspectives, and sometimes we get it wrong. Humility is a willingness to hold our understandings with openness and to be willing to receive new information from God and others. Romans 12:2, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 8:22
  8. Cooperation. Why start inferior versions of programs that other churches and organizations are already running? It seems better to us to form new friendships and partnerships with others in our communities. We are better together! 
Our vision

Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “God is looking for partners!” We agree! 

We get to partner with God in the reconciliation of all things! 

Helping people reconcile to God, to each other, to themselves and to creation. What an awesome privilege!!

Our Beliefs
Because you have seen me, you have believed...

Beliefs change and progress. They are fluid and evolving. These are the essentials we have chosen to agree on as a faith community. If you can agree with these and let other beliefs be non-essential, you'll probably like it here. We believe in:

  1. God. The Numinous. The Divine. The Creator. The One beyond all description, but as close as our next breath!
  2. Jesus. The perfect embodiment of God on earth. The One who squeezed into skin to show us what God is like
  3. The Holy Spirit. Ruach. The Breath and Wind of God Who dwells within us, empowers us, convicts us and comforts us
  4. The Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit - We acknowledge that God is revealed in scripture and experience as not just three but also one, which is the central mystery of the Christian faith. The trinity is the original relationship, the eternal "divine dance" of self-giving love, from which flows life and love and every good thing in all of creation.
  5. Mercy. We all have flaws, failures and shortcomings but those things don't define us and God never tires of forgiving us. We are free to live, love and serve, without our value coming into question, and without the temptation to size each other up.
  6. Hope. God is a God of Hope. Reminding us that creation is going somewhere, and that somewhere is good!
  7. The Bible. The inspired story of "God with us," written for our encouragement and instruction, told through the lives and perspectives of ordinary people with (sometimes) extraordinary faith. This wonderful collection of poems, stories, songs, rants, experiences and teachings that help us collide into the Holy!

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

John 1:12